Poll: 47% of Ukrainians support diplomatic settlement of Donbas conflict

47% of Ukrainians support continuation of diplomatic efforts to resolve the conflict in eastern Ukraine.

These are the results of the poll, conducted by the Sotsis Center for Social and Marketing Research, available to Ukrinform.

"A relative majority of respondents (47%) believes that ongoing diplomatic efforts to resolve the conflict peacefully are the best strategy to address the situation in eastern Ukraine. Only 9.8% of respondents support the idea of ​​ returning the occupied territories by military means," the statement reads.

At the same time, 20.8% of respondents believe that the fate of Donbas should be decided at a referendum on the status of the occupied territories. 12.7% of respondents say that freezing of the conflict and isolation of the occupied territories would be the best solution.

2.1% of Ukrainians see a way out of this situation in finding other solutions, while 7.7% are undecided.

The study was conducted during November 24 – December 2, 2016 among 4,000 respondents in all regions of Ukraine (except Crimea and uncontrolled areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions).
