Mariupol students forced to donate blood for Russian WIAs

In the temporarily captured Mariupol, students from Azov University were forced to donate blood for Russian invaders wounded on Ukraine’s battlefields.

This was reported on Telegram by Petro Andriushchenko, the advisor to the Mariupol mayor in exile, Ukrinform saw.

“Students from the occupied Azov University were forced to donate blood for the invaders’ needs. It was ‘blood or repercussions’ for them,” Andriushchenko wrote.

Also, he noted that at the schools of Mariupol and the villages of Mangush and Nikolske, the Russians staged yet another propaganda show - "Classes of Courage", where the local traitors who had sided with the invaders told teenagers about the "heroism" of militants with the so-called “DPR.”

Read also: Movement of Russian tanks, howitzers spotted in Mariupol

“Instituting propaganda under the guise of education is non-stop. But here’s an interesting detail. All this is done (by teachers - ed.) while they haven’t seen their wage money for two months already, promised to be paid only in April. So much for the ‘call of the heart,’” said the advisor.

It was earlier reported that Russia's aggression has caused a major humanitarian catastrophe in Mariupol. Almost 90% of the city has been destroyed as a result of enemy shelling.

Currently, more than 100,000 inhabitants remain in the Russia-captured city.

Read also: Russia concerned about explosions in Mariupol – UK intel

The invaders have transformed Mariupol and surrounding settlements into a military logistics hub for the Russian army.