Kazakhstan eyes ban on Russian military symbols

Kazakhstan authorities are working to e implement a ban on goods with "ethnopoliticized symbols."

This was reported by Echo of Caucasus, Ukrinform saw.

In particular, it is about the paraphernalia of Wagner Group, as well as the unofficial symbols of support for Russia’s brutal war against Ukraine - the letters Z and V.

In addition, the ban may affect products with the inscriptions "Army of Russia" and "Polite People", the emblems of the Workers' Party of Kurdistan and East Turkestan.

A prosecutor with the department for the protection of public interests noted that "individual representatives of different ethnic groups demonstrate different ethnic symbols in the public domain", which causes mixed reactions in society.

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As part of the restrictions, the prosecutor's office proposed that the government ban the manufacture, shipment, and distribution in Kazakhstan of products with symbols used by opposing parties in armed conflicts.

It is proposed that administrative liability be introduced for the distribution of the specified products in Kazakhstan.

As Ukrinform reported earlier, last year the Parliament of Moldova banned the co-called St. George ribbon, as well as the symbols Z and V, all of which Russian troops used in the war against Ukraine.