Seventy percent of Poles think situation in Ukraine poses threat to Poland

In Poland, 70% of the population believes that the current situation in Ukraine poses a threat to the country's sovereignty and independence, and 30% believes that the threat is insignificant or absent.

That's according to a study conducted by Statistics Poland (GUS) regarding public sentiment in Poland in July, according to an Ukrinform correspondent.

The poll found that 30.1% of Poles consider the threat to the country's security in connection with the current situation in Ukraine to be very great and 39.9% described it as average. At the same time, 23.8% of respondents are convinced that this threat is insignificant, and 6.2% do not see such a threat.

At the same time, 73.4% of Poles are convinced that the current situation in Ukraine poses a threat to the economic situation in Poland. At the same time, for 29.7%, this threat is significant, 43.7% described it as average, and 26.6% consider it insignificant or absent at all.