PM: 47 humanitarian demining operators already operating in Ukraine

There are currently 47 humanitarian demining operators in Ukraine.

Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal informed about this in Telegram, Ukrinform reports.

"There are already 47 humanitarian demining operators in Ukraine. We continue to stimulate this industry. We have already launched a programme of compensation to farmers for land demining. In less than a month, we have received almost 100 applications for compensation," he wrote.

Shmyhal noted that he had held a meeting with First Vice Prime Minister Yulia Svyrydenko, representatives of the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Finance and the Humanitarian Demining Centre. As a result, the government officials agreed to finalise the criteria for compensation so that as many farmers as possible could benefit from it.

The Prime Minister added that, according to the Humanitarian Demining Centre, over 30,000 square kilometres of potentially mine-contaminated areas were returned to productive use over the year.

Read also: Spanish agency AECID plans to join humanitarian demining in Ukraine

"We are not postponing this process for later. We are already developing solutions that will help demine Ukraine in a matter of years, not decades," he wrote.

As Ukrinform previously reported, the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) will consider participating in humanitarian demining projects and co-financing.

Photo: Denys Shmyhal's Telegram