By exploiting topic of hunger, Russia pursues attempts to sow chaos

Russia’s media platforms are actively spinning reports allegedly coming from the "pro-Russian underground movement" in Ukraine claiming that Ukraine transports "military goods and soldiers” by trains disguised as those carrying batches of grain.

That’s according to the Center for Countering Disinformation, Ukrinform reports.

The CCD emphasizes enemy attempts to label railway infrastructure as their legitimate "military target" in order to justify attacks on civil sites in Ukraine and use it as a pretext for more strikes.

Such reports circulated during the harvesting campaign are part of the Russian strategy of terror through hunger, in which the aggressor state has been destroying Ukrainian grain from the outset of the full-scale invasion.

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By "announcing" strikes on trains carrying grain and exploiting the topic of hunger that is sensitive for Ukrainians, Russia pursues the attempts to sow panic and destabilize the country from within. In addition, Russia is trying to portray Ukraine as an unreliable grain supplier in order to discredit the government in the eyes of the international community.

As reported, Russian propagandists are actively spreading the news about the re-opening of a rail station in temporarily occupied Mariupol following repair and of social infrastructure facilities in Severodonetsk, although it was Russian bombardments that have been pummeling Ukrainian cities.