German government may allow Ukrainian medical students to complete their studies in Germany


The German government is preparing legislative changes that will allow medical students from Ukraine who found themselves in Germany after the start of the full-scale Russian invasion to complete their studies in German educational institutions.

This was confirmed to Ukrinform by the German Ministry of Health.

"The federal government is currently considering legislative changes that should allow Ukrainians to continue their unfinished medical education in Germany. A corresponding amendment to the Regulation on the Licensing of Physicians (ÄApprO) is being prepared as part of the legislative process to amend the Federal Medical Regulations (BÄO)," the ministry said.

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They were unable to answer questions about the possible timeframe for the adoption of the relevant amendments, as well as the specific rules and conditions for applying for training.

Those who have already received medical education in their home country will not be affected by the amendments to the law. These specialists will have to obtain a licence in accordance with the previously established rules.

As for the procedures for the recognition of Ukrainian diplomas and academic achievements, the federal states, not the central government, are responsible for this.

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A doctor cannot work without having his or her diploma recognised and a licence obtained. To be able to do so, you need to have a good command of the German language.

There is no centralised data on the number of medical students currently studying in Germany. Nor is there any data on the number of specialists with medical education. However, the press reported that 1674 Ukrainian citizens from among those who found protection in Germany have applied for a medical permit in the country. At the same time, only 187 of these applications have been approved.

As reported by Ukrinform, despite the shortage of doctors in Germany, Ukrainian doctors who came to the country after the outbreak of a full-scale war cannot work in their speciality because of bureaucracy.