Demining Ukraine: 17,000 ha of liberated territory cleared in Sept

In August, 17,000 hectares of mine-contaminated land in liberated areas were cleared of explosives.

That’s according to the Ministry of Defense, Ukrinform reports.

"In August, demining units of Ukraine’s Defense Ministry cleared 17,368.4 hectares in de-occupied territories of explosives, of which 17,308.65 hectares are farmlands," the statement reads.

In the course of mine clearance, 8,837 explosive objects were detected and neutralized. In total, since the outset of Russia’s full-scale invasion, their number has amounted to 393,330.

Demining units of the Armed Forces and State Special Transport Service were involved in the mine clearance effort.

Read also: Ukraine invites Australia to join demining coalition

Over the last week of August, 188 demining groups involving 849 experts and nine demining machines were engaged in mine action.

As of today, 51 mine action operators have been certified in Ukraine. After receiving the appropriate certificate, such organizations are allowed to proceed with humanitarian demining in territories where no active hostilities are in place.

As Ukrinform reported earlier, the Croatian company DOK-ING donated to Ukraine an MV-4 robotic demining system.