KIIS: Zelensky is trusted by 59% of Ukrainians, distrusted by 37%


Currently, 59% of Ukrainians trust President Volodymyr Zelensky, 37% do not.

This is evidenced by the results of a survey conducted by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) on September 20 - October 3, 2024, Ukrinform reports.

According to sociologists, after the 2019 presidential and parliamentary elections, 80% of Ukrainians trusted Zelensky. However, by February 2022, the level of trust had gradually decreased to 37% (and on the eve of the invasion, there were already more people who did not trust him).

After the invasion, the level of trust in the President rose to 90%. By the end of December 2023, the level of trust dropped to 77%, by February 2024 - to 64%, and by May 2024 - to 59%. “At the same time, between May and September 2024, the indicators remained virtually unchanged, and currently 59% of Ukrainians trust Zelensky, 37% do not,” the report says.

According to KIIS, the situation is quite similar in all regions of Ukraine, and the balance of trust and distrust is positive. The East stands out somewhat, with 51% trusting and 45% distrusting. In other regions, the number of those who trust is somewhat higher - 58-62% versus 35-38% who do not.

Earlier, KIIS published other results of the same survey, according to which 54% of Ukrainians believe that the West sincerely wants an acceptable outcome for Ukraine, while 38%, on the contrary, believed that the West is tired of Ukraine and is pressuring for an unfair peace.

“It is worth noting that those who believe that the West wants a fair peace for Ukraine trust the President more - 69% of them do, compared to 29% who do not. Among those who think otherwise and those who could not answer this question, 50% and 47% respectively trust the President. The number of those who do not trust him is 48% and 42%,” the sociologists said.

The KIIS added that if you combine the answers to both questions, you can get a “matrix of perception of the current context.” “At one pole will be those who have lost faith in the West and at the same time do not trust the President - 18% of them. At the opposite pole are those who believe in the support of the West and trust the President - 37% of them. Between them are people with intermediate positions, mostly a combination of those who trust the President and have lost faith in the West or vice versa. This matrix of perception is related to other important views. For example, in the issue of readiness for territorial concessions... Those who are skeptical of the West and critical of the President are the most ready for them. Those who believe in the West and trust the President are the most opposed to them,” the KIIS report says.

Read also: Poll: 81% of Ukrainians believe Ukraine can prevail in war with proper support from allies

The Kyiv International Institute of Sociology conducted its own all-Ukrainian public opinion poll, Omnibus, to which it added a question about Zelensky's credibility on its own initiative. A total of 2004 respondents were interviewed by computer-assisted telephone interviews (CATI) based on a random sample of mobile phone numbers (with random generation of phone numbers and subsequent statistical weighting) in all regions of Ukraine (government-controlled territory). The survey was conducted with adult citizens of Ukraine (aged 18 and older) who resided in the government-controlled territory of Ukraine at the time of the survey. The sample did not include residents of the territories temporarily not controlled by the Ukrainian government (although some respondents were IDPs who moved from the occupied territories), and the survey was not conducted with citizens who left the country after February 24, 2022.

Formally, under normal circumstances, the statistical error of such a sample (with a probability of 0.95 and taking into account the design effect of 1.3) did not exceed 2.9% for indicators close to 50%; 2.5% for indicators close to 25%; 1.7% for indicators close to 10%; 1.3% for indicators close to 5%.

In times of war, in addition to the above formal error, a certain systematic deviation is added. In general, KIIS believes that the results obtained still retain high representativeness and allow for a fairly reliable analysis of public sentiment.

Photo: OP