USA, Europe jointly work to use frozen Russian assets for Ukraine’s benefit – Department of State

The American side continues to work with European partners to ensure that the frozen Russian assets are used for Ukraine’s benefit.

The relevant statement was made by Spokesperson for the U.S. Department of State Matthew Miller during a briefing in Washington on Thursday, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

“We continue to work with our European partners to ensure that we use those assets that remain frozen and that will remain frozen – that we use those assets for Ukraine’s benefit,” Miller noted.

In this way, Miller commented on the intention of EU countries to use the funding generated by profits from the frozen Russian assets to buy weapons for Ukraine.

A reminder that, with the start of the Russian military invasion of Ukraine, world democracies blocked Russian financial assets, totaling more than EUR 300 billion. Most of these assets are believed to be located in financial institutions within the European Union, namely in Belgium.