Presidents of Czech Republic and Slovakia visit Borodianka, Bucha
This is reported by Novinky, Ukrinform reports.
In particular, in Bucha, the Czech leader laid flowers at the mass grave of the dead.
"It is a sad sight. I thought I would never see it so close again. Especially in Europe," he said.
Answering questions from journalists in Borodianka, Pavel said that Russians attack civilian targets on purpose, seeking to create chaos and break the will of Ukrainians.
Se @ZuzanaCaputova oba vnímáme hodnotu svobody a spravedlnosti. Je těžké vidět na vlastní oči, že Ukrajinci za ni platí cenu nejvyšší. Krev a životy vlastních občanů. V boji s agresorem chrání to, co je nám společné. Proto za nimi budeme stát.
— Petr Pavel (@prezidentpavel) April 28, 2023
"Of course, there can be a mistake in navigation or an incorrectly entered destination, but this is not a mistake... it was intentional. Obviously, this is a fairly clear plan: to create chaos and terror among the civilian population and, based on this, to put pressure on the government to retreat and lose the will to defend itself. ...Fortunately, this did not break the Ukrainians," he emphasized.
On Twitter, the Czech president wrote: "Zuzana Čaputová and I realize the value of freedom and justice. It is difficult to see with our own eyes that Ukrainians are paying the highest price for this - the blood and lives of their own citizens. In the fight against the aggressor, they are defending what unites us.»
As reported, on April 28, the presidents of the Czech Republic and Slovakia arrived in Ukraine for a visit.