Ukrainian farmers already gathered over 41 mln tonnes of main crops
"As of August 31, Ukrainian farmers harvested 41.2 million tonnes of main crops from an area of 10.94 million hectares, of which grain and leguminous crops total 38.4 million tonnes (9.68 million hectares, 63%)," reads the report.
In particular, Ukrainian farmers threshed 29.8 thousand tonnes of millet from an area of 15.9 thousand hectares (11%), 221.5 thousand tonnes of sunflower seeds from an area of 150 thousand hectares (2%), and fully gathered such crops as wheat, barley, peas and rapeseed. In addition, the harvesting of buckwheat has started in six region, where 19.77 thousand tonnes were gathered from an area of 11.29 thousand hectares.
As reported, as of August 20, Ukrainian farmers threshed 26.6 million tonnes of wheat, 8.7 million tonnes of barley, 515 thousand tonnes of peas, and 2.5 million tonnes of rapeseed.