Ukraine, Senegal to intensify cooperation in agriculture
That's according to the press service of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, Ukrinform reports.
According to the report, the document envisages the development of bilateral trade in agricultural products, cooperation in the field of scientific research, investment, as well as relations between government institutions and private organizations.
The Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, Mykola Solskyi, said that despite the war, the Ukrainian side is making every effort to continue exporting the necessary amount of foodstuffs to African countries.

According to him, Ukraine is ready to increase exports of agricultural products and consider implementing new logistics projects in Senegal.
In particular, the issue concerns the possibility of storing Ukrainian grain in the so-called grain hubs. Their creation will contribute to the predictability of sales, the stabilization of food prices for African countries, and will provide confidence in the necessary volumes and quality of grain.
Solskyi also visited the sea port of Dakar (Senegal), through which 95% of foodstuffs is delivered to the country.