Ukrzaliznytsia has already shipped more than 1200 wagons with agricultural products at reduced rate

Ukrzaliznytsia has already shipped more than 1200 wagons with agricultural products at reduced rate

Ukrzaliznytsia has already exported 1260 wagons with Ukrainian agricultural products at a discount.

This was announced by Valeriy Tkachev, Deputy Director of the Commercial Department of Ukrzaliznytsia JSC (UZ), Ukrinform reports citing Rail.insider.

Thus, as part of the introduction of a 30% discount to the tariff for export transportation of agricultural products, 1,260 wagons with grain and 24 fitting platforms have already been shipped from certain stations.

Currently, UZ offers discounted grain shipments from more than 250 stations.

Tkachev urged shippers not to hesitate and take advantage of the offer. After all, the Cabinet of Ministers has allocated a limited amount of funds to provide it.

Read also: Ukrzaliznytsia received equipment and machinery worth more than USD 7 million under World Bank project

UZ started introducing preferential terms for grain shippers on 5 June.

As reported, on 17 May, the Cabinet of Ministers adopted Resolution No. 581, which introduces a 30% discount on rail transportation of agricultural products for the territories where military operations are ongoing.

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