Russian propaganda invents mobilization of parents at children's holidays in Vinnytsia
Kremlin media and Telegram channels are spreading photos of invitation letters for the New Year's Eve party, which is allegedly held by the Vinnytsia Territorial Center for Recruitment and Social Support. It follows that on December 23, the military recruitment center invites children and their parents to the festive event called "Sometime around the New Year," which will be held at 31 Danyla Halytskoho Street. The propagandists added that such a celebration is a trap for parents due to possible mobilization.
The invitation letter a fake. Google's reverse image search shows results only from Russian social networks and media outlets.
There is no mention of such a celebration on the official Facebook page of the Vinnytsia Regional Territorial Center for Recruitment and Social Support, where the institution usually publishes news stories.

Representatives of the center said in a comment to Ukrinform that this invitation letter was an invention of Russian propaganda and urged everyone to trust only news items that can be found on the institution's official Facebook page.
Counterfeiting postcards, invitation letters, utility bills and advertisements is currently one of the most popular types of Russian fakes. This forgery was created to suggest to the target audience the idea of cynical mobilization in Ukraine.
Earlier, propagandists tried to pass off a forged electricity bill as a real one.
Dmytro Badrak