Russian propaganda invents fake about hype around generators following Trypilska TPP destruction
Russian Telegram channels and pro-Kremlin media outlets have spread a screenshot from the Ukrainian website, which is supposed to demonstrate that demand and prices for generators have allegedly risen significantly in Ukraine. In particular, basic models cost about UAH 60,000. Moreover, one person can allegedly buy only one device. The propagandists link this to the destruction of the Trypilska thermal power plant (TPP).
This is a fake. The Russians used a graphic editor to create it. They increased the prices by about five times. The section name was also changed in the fake, and the store is situated in Lviv, not Kyiv, as the propagandists underscored.
The Russians are creating such fakes to sow panic among Ukrainians amidst the destruction of the Trypilska TPP. This is an example of propaganda known as intimidation. Its purpose is to exert psychological pressure on Ukrainians during a time of emotional vulnerability and to increase their fear of blackouts.
As reported by Ukrinform, Russia’s attack on the night of April 11 destroyed the Trypilska thermal power plant was. The strikes caused a large-scale fire in the turbine shop.
Ukrenergo stated that the loss of Trypilska TPP has resulted in a reduction of internal capacity to cover peak-hour consumption.
"As long as the solar power plants operate, the system has a surplus, there is a small export. A slight deficit may occur at the evening peak of consumption - from 19:00 to 22:00," the company warned.
Dmytro Badrak