Russian propaganda spreading fake about need to pay for no electricity
Pro-Kremlin Telegram channels are sharing a video with an announcement. It says that according to Ukraine's power grid operator Ukrenergo, the situation with electricity supply allegedly remains very difficult, and in order to restore "normative capacities" as soon as possible, the fee for electricity will be charged regardless of its supply. The announcement was allegedly created by the Lviv-based municipal enterprise Kniazhe Misto.
The presence of Russianisms in the ad proves that it is fake. Its authors wrote "taryf na svit" ("the tariff for world") instead of "taryf na svitlo" ("the tariff for electricity"), as well as "svidchennia lichylnyka" ("meter testimony") instead of "pokaznyky lichylnyka" ("meter readings").
Representatives of the municipal enterprise told Ukrinform that the company has nothing to do with this announcement and is engaged in a completely different field of activity.
Ukrenergo also stated that it is a fake.
"The announcement in the video that Ukrinform's editorial office sent in its query to NPC Ukrenergo is a blatant lie and a Russian psyop. Its authors, using the name of our company, purposefully mislead people to create a false and negative image on a sensitive topic. NPC Ukrenergo resolutely denies the information in this fake," the company's press center said.
Such a fake is aimed at intimidating Ukrainians and instilling in them distrust of the authorities amid the Cabinet of Ministers' decision to increase the cost of electricity for households from June 1, 2024.
Earlier, Ukrinform refuted a fake that discredited employees of territorial recruitment centers.
Dmytro Badrak