Research institute developing rocket-space technologies on fire near Moscow – media
This was reported by the local news Telegram channel ‘Podslushano Khotkovo’, as conveyed by Ukrinform.
It is claimed that the fire occurred in the morning, October 30, in the area of "factory warehouses, which are likely located on the territory of TsNIDISM." "Firefighters managed to extinguish the blaze within 25 minutes. According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations (EMERCOM), the insulation was burning, and there were no casualties," the report states.
At the same time, the Telegram channel ‘Krymskyi Veter’ asserts that a workshop of the Special Engineering Institute was on fire, and "the fire started during testing."
From open sources, it is known that TsNIDISM is a leading enterprise of the aggressor country in the field of designing and manufacturing structures made from modern polymer composite materials for rocket and space technology, transport, energy, and petrochemical engineering.
As reported by Ukrinform, a fire occurred at the Electroizolit factory in suburban Khotkovo in early April, which is considered a leading company in Russia in its industry.