Zelensky signs law on judicial reform
According to the website of the Verkhovna Rada, the law was returned with the president's signature on November 4.
The Ukrainian parliament approved draft law No. 1008 introducing amendments to certain laws of Ukraine regarding the activity of judicial governance bodies at second reading on October 16.
The adopted law provides for the introduction of amendments to the laws "On the Judiciary and the Status of Judges," "On the Cleansing of Power" and "On the High Council of Justice."
The law establishes a new procedure for forming the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine, whereby 12 members of the High Qualification Commission of Judges will be appointed by the High Council of Justice based on the results of the competition. The High Council of Justice will form a competition commission, which will consist of three persons elected by the Council of Judges of Ukraine from among its members and three persons from among international experts nominated by international organizations, with which Ukraine cooperates in the field of preventing and combating corruption under the international agreements signed by Ukraine, to the Public Council of International Experts established under the law on the High Anti-Corruption Court.
The law also proposes that the High Council of Justice establish a commission on integrity and ethics, which will ensure that members of the High Council of Justice and the High Qualifications Commission of Judges comply with high standards of integrity and professional ethics.
In addition, the document envisages that judges' remuneration is established by single rules for all judges, regardless of conditions for their qualifications, since all judges of the judicial system have a single legal status and are equal before the law.
The law defines the need to reduce the composition of the Supreme Court to 100 judges, while their salaries will be reduced from 75 to 55 living wages, i.e. from UAH 145,200 to UAH 106,480.
The document also clarifies that the High Qualification Commission of Judges will be a collegial body. At the same time, the quantitative composition of the High Qualification Commission of Judges will be decreased from 16 to 12 members who will be appointed by the High Council of Justice based on the results of competitions.