Russia's denying Holodomor as genocide same as committing this crime - Ukrainian Foreign Ministry
The ministry said that honoring the human dignity of the victims of genocide and preventing this crime, among other things, requires the establishment of truth and the restoration of historical justice.
Ukrainian diplomats said that despite the established facts, irrefutable evidence of witnesses, shocking documents and archival materials, the Russian Federation continues to deny the Holodomor of 1932-1933 as an act of genocide of the Ukrainian people by the Soviet regime. This also applies to the deportation of the Crimean Tatar people in 1944.
The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry recalled that in 2015, Russia included an article "Soviet Genocide in Ukraine" by Raphael Lemkin in the so-called list of extremist materials.
"Such actions by the Russian side are demonstrative, because only denying or justifying a crime can be commensurate with committing it," the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry said.
According to diplomats, "the fact that Ukraine continues to suffer from external aggression and violence unleashed by Russia in 2014, in combination with its attempted annexation of Crimea, confirms that the lack of recognition and condemnation of past crimes, as well as respect for human rights and freedoms, opens the way to committing blatant violations of universal norms and rules, including crimes against humanity."