Russian court sentences four Crimean Tatars to 12-17 years in prison

Russian court sentences four Crimean Tatars to 12-17 years in prison

Russian court sentenced four members of the “third Bakhchisaray group” to 12-17 years in a high-security prison.

“56 years in prison for four men! Such an illegal judgment was delivered by the Southern District Military Court in Rostov-on-Don against members of the so-called ‘third Bakhchisaray group’, convicting them under Article 205.5 of the Russian Criminal Code (establishment and participation in a terrorist organization),” Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights Liudmyla Denisova posted on Telegram.

Seitumer Seitumerov was sentenced to 17 years in prison, Osman Seitumerov – 14 years, Rustem Seitmemetov – 13 years, Amet Suleymanov – 12 years.

“Russian prosecutors achieved the illegal imprisonment of Crimean Tatars for a crime they did not commit. The insignificant and unfounded ‘evidence’ presented by the Russian prosecution is striking. It was reduced to the testimony of two secret FSB witnesses who constantly confused words,” Denisova wrote.

According to the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, "cynicism and lies" of the Russian Federation left Crimean families without breadwinners, one of them – without three at once: Osman Seitumerov and Seitumer Seitumerov are brothers, and Rustem Seitmemetov is an uncle on their mother’s side.

“Amet Suleymanov is a person with a disability who needs regular medical care because he has serious heart problems. For him, 12 years in prison is tantamount to death,” she noted.

Denisova condemned the illegal sentence against Ukrainian citizens.

“By prosecuting Crimean Tatars and other illegally detained Ukrainians, the occupying power violates international law, the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,” she stressed.

The Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights called on representatives of international missions, human rights organizations, and diplomatic corps to force Russia to end unjustified detentions and trials of illegally detained Ukrainian citizens and transfer them to the homeland.

As reported, on March 11, 2020, the houses of Crimean Tatars – Enver Mustafayev, Amet Suleymanov, brothers Seitumer and Osman Seitumerovs, and their uncle Rustem Seitmemetov – were searched in Bakhchisaray.

Mustafayev was released after interrogation. The rest (“third Bakhchisaray group”) were charged under Part 2 of Article 205.5 of the Criminal Code (establishment of a terrorist organization and participation in the activities of such an organization).

In September, Denisova called on international human rights organizations and missions to use all available levers of influence on the Russian Federation to prevent it from terrorizing Crimean Tatars.


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