Ukraine at UN: Putin considers killing of children in Ukraine ‘success in accordance with plans’

Ukraine at UN: Putin considers killing of children in Ukraine ‘success in accordance with plans’

Putin calls the killing of Ukrainian children a "success in strict accordance with plans."

Sergiy Kyslytsia, Ukraine's Permanent Representative to the United Nations made a corresponding statement at the UN Security Council meeting convened by the United States and Great Britain to discuss the situation in Ukraine, an Ukrinform correspondent reported.

Kyslytsya cited the statement made by Putin the other day: “The operation is developing successfully and in strict accordance with plans that have been previously approved”.

According to the Ukrainian diplomat, over these weeks the international community has wrestled with the question why had the Russian Federation had decided to cosplay the Nazi Third Reich by attacking the peaceful neighbouring state and plunging the region into war. “What are the reasons and what is the plan? And yesterday we got the answer. Killing Ukrainian children. One hundred eight innocent souls so far,” Kyslytsya said.

He underscored that children were a deliberate target, given the bombardment of the Mariupol Drama Theater – a shelter for hundreds of local residents, mostly women and children. Despite the big signs “Children” painted on the road on both sides of the building being clearly visible, Russian pilots dropped an aerial bomb. The building was fully damaged but the shelter fortunately withstood. It did not turn into one more mass grave, as putin’s plan probably envisaged, Kyslytsya underscored.

According to him, putin’s plan does not limit murders to children only. All civilian Ukrainians and foreign citizens are under threat as 53 civilian residents were killed by Russian bombs and shells in the city of Chernihiv in just one day. On the same day in Merefa, Kharkiv region, 21 people were killed following Russian shelling that destroyed the local school and residential buildings.

The diplomat emphasized that putin aims to raze Ukrainian cities – Kharkiv, Sumy, Volnovakha, Okhtyrka, Izyum – to the ground.

“And Mariupol is pain for Ukraine and the entire world and an eternal shame for Russia,” Kyslytsya noted.

According to him, the plan of putin is to violate the agreements on ceasefire and safe passage for the civilian population from the temporarily occupied territories, terrorize local residents who remain in the territories seized by Russian troops, abduct local officials and even commit extrajudicial killings come from across the occupied territories.

“Enforcing Ukrainians to flee their homes as refugees has also been a part of this Barbarossa-style plan. Almost 3.2 million refugees have left Ukraine so far,” Ukraine’s Permanent Representative said.

On February 24, Russian president Putin announced the beginning of a large-scale invasion of Ukraine. Russian troops shell and destroy infrastructure, massively fire on residential areas of Ukrainian cities and villages using artillery, multiple launch rocket systems, and ballistic missiles.


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