Disinfo watchdog: Russia increasing attempts to discredit Ukraine’s peace formula as Switzerland summit nears

Disinfo watchdog: Russia increasing attempts to discredit Ukraine’s peace formula as Switzerland summit nears

The Russian Federation is intensifying its efforts to compromise the Ukrainian peace formula as the Global Peace Summit in Switzerland approaches.

That’s according to Ukraine’s Center for Countering Disinformation, Ukrinform reports

Among the manipulative messages circulated by Russian propaganda around the Peace Summit issue, the following ones dominate: "The peace formula is meaningless due to the absence of key leaders at the summit", "This diplomatic project makes no sense without Russia at the table", "The peace formula is detached from reality", "Russia is ready to sit down at the negotiating table", "Ukraine and the West are not interested in peace", and "Switzerland compromised itself as a neutral state."

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The effort to spread those narratives is part of Russia’s ongoing campaign to undermine the inaugural Peace Summit, the CCD reports.

The enemy seeks to ensure that as few countries as possible participate in the event. At the same time, Moscow is trying to mislead the international community by claiming own "readiness for peace."

Read also: FM of Ukraine on mood in Russia on eve of Peace Summit: They understand what is at stake

In fact, despite voicing "peacemaking" statements, Russia actually seeks to pursue its war campaign, the report notes. Russia is running media attacks against the Peace Summit, as the unification of the international community around Ukraine's peace initiative undermines Kremlin's plans.

As reported earlier, the CCD warned that Russian propaganda was spreading manipulative narratives around power outages across Ukraine in order to divide Ukrainians and destabilize the country from within.

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