IMF delegation, NABU director discuss Bureau’s audit
That’s according to the Bureau’s press service, Ukrinform reports.
The parties spoke of the need to create an expert institution at the Bureau and ensure autonomous wiretapping of probe targets that would not involve other law enforcement agencies, which will directly affect the efficiency of NABU’s operations.

Kryvonos and the IMF representatives paid special attention to the need for an independent audit of NABU's activities as soon as possible based on the principles of transparency and openness.
The parties also discussed Ukraine's accession to the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention.
Kryvonos noted that the Bureau is making efforts to achieve the ultimate result, including in the context of amendments to the legislation on liability of legal entities in graft cases.
Finally, the head of the Bureau spoke about the recent cases where former and current senior officials were exposed for corruption.
As Ukrinform reported earlier, international partners have already filed with the Cabinet of Ministers lists of candidates for the team set to run this year an independent audit of NABU.
The National Anti-corruption Bureau of Ukraine is a central executive agency with a special status responsible for preventing, detecting, terminating, investigating, and disclosing corruption and other criminal offences within its jurisdiction, as well as preventing the commission of new ones.

Establishing the NABU was one of the key requirements set by the European Union as a part of implementation of the Visa Liberalization Action Plan and Ukraine's future membership in the EU.
Photo: NABU