ECU calls on Patriarch Bartholomew to establish special church structure for Ukrainians in Europe
Pavlo Sadokha, Vice President of the Ukrainian World Congress for Western Europe, President of the Union of Ukrainians in Portugal posted this on Facebook.
A corresponding letter was submitted directly to the Ecumenical Patriarch during his visit to Spain and before the divine service with Orthodox Ukrainians in Madrid.
"In this structure, the type of which you will best define, we would like to feel a living connection with Constantinople and Kyiv, carefully preserve and develop our faith, good deeds, love for God and our Motherland-Ukraine. We believe and know that you, Your Holiness, a faithful and firm friend of Ukraine, will find the best possible solution to this issue together with our Primate, His Beatitude Epiphanius, Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Ukraine," the appeal reads.
In his speech to Ukrainians, Patriarch Bartholomew said that he would visit Kyiv next year and planned to invite Pope Francis to hold a joint meeting in Ukraine. Mr. Sadokha added.
During his visit to Estonia (September 12-20), dedicated to the 100-year anniversary of the granting of autonomy to the Estonian Apostolic Orthodox Church, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew spoke with Ukrainian believers and wished Ukrainians victory in the struggle for freedom.
Photo: President’s Office