Parliament endorses law on basic general military training at educational institutions

Parliament endorses law on basic general military training at educational institutions

The Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine’s parliament, has adopted a law on improving the system of basic general military training.

This was announced by MP Yaroslav Zheleznyak on Telegram, Ukrinform reports.

According to the MP, 297 lawmakers voted in a favor of draft law No.11092.

The document aims to bring the current laws in line with the definition of the concept of a training system carried out through the study of the subject "Defense of Ukraine". This will facilitate the development of basic general military training as the foundation for preparing Ukrainian citizens for national resistance.

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The legislation introduces a new system of basic general military training, replacing the previous pre-conscription training.

According to the document, basic military training is implemented at the third level of complete general secondary education and is conducted in general secondary, vocational (vocational-technical), and professional higher education institutions that are licensed to conduct educational activities at the appropriate level of complete general secondary education.

As reported by Ukrinform, on April 23, the Verkhovna Rada adopted at first reading a bill on amendments to some laws of Ukraine to improve the system of basic general military training.

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