Over 60% of Americans believe supporting Ukraine in line with U.S. interest
That’s according to Quinnipiac University’s survey run earlier this month, Ukrinform reports.
In particular, 84% of respondents said that they follow news on the Russo-Ukrainian war either very closely (39%) or more or less closely (45%).
Also, 62% of Americans are sure that supporting Ukraine is in the national interest of the United States, while only 29% have the opposite opinion.
The poll shows 55% of respondents do not approve of President Trump's approaches to the issues of the Russo-Ukrainian war, while 38% assess them positively.
Among those surveyed, 56% had a negative attitude toward the suspension of U.S. military aid to Ukraine (91% among Democrats, 57% independents, and 24% Republicans), 39% supported the decision (5% Democrats, 40% independents, and 70% Republicans).
When asked which country is closer in values to the US, 65% said Ukraine, 9% named Russia, and 26% did not offer an opinion.
At the same time, 61% of Americans believe President Trump is not tough enough on Russia: 31% assess his current attitude toward Russia as correct, another 2% opine that he is too tough toward Moscow.
Half of those surveyed say Trump is too tough on Ukraine, 35% believe his attitude is correct, and 8% said he is not tough enough.
Also, 43% of Americans have a positive attitude toward Ukrainian President Zelensky, 33% assess him negatively, and 22% admitted they are not sufficiently informed.
At the same time, only 7% of those surveyed have a attitude toward Russian leader Vladimir Putin, 81% perceive him negatively, and 9% have not enough information to offer an opinion.
The survey was conducted March 6-10 throughout the United States, covering 1,198 registered voters, with the error margin of +/- 2.8 percentage points.
Photo: President’s Office