Sumy region comes under Russian fire on Sunday

Russian invasion forces 20 times shelled Sumy region in the past day.

That’s according to the Sumy Regional Military Administration, Ukrinform reports.

"During the day, the Russians 20 times hit the areas of Sumy region near the border (with Russia – ed.). A total of 137 explosions were recorded. The communities of Khotyn, Bilopillia, Krasnopillia, Znob-Novgorodske, Esman, Svesa, and Velyka Pysarivka came under fire," the report reads.

Mortar and artillery shelling affected the Bilopillia community where a household and an outbuilding were damaged.

The Khotyn community was shelled by Russian artillery. Also, an enemy drone dropped an explosive device.

In the Krasnopil community, grenade and mortar attacks, as well as bombardments, were recorded.

Russian artillery opened fire at the Esman community.

In the Znob-Novgorodske community, the invaders launched a grenade attack.

The Russians also dropped two mines on the Svesa community.

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The aggressors launched grenade and mortar attacks in the Velyka Pysarivka community.

In addition, this morning, Russia’s SAU howitzers six times shelled the outskirts of Vorozhba, Sumy district, as a result of which four households and the premises of an agricultural enterprise sustained damage, according to the local administration.

As Ukrinform reported earlier, on September 2, Police Captain Ruslan Faraonov, 32, was killed in Russian shelling on Seredyna-Buda, Sumy region, while documenting the consequences of the previous strike.

This is an illustrative photo