Russian strike targets Kharkiv’s industrial zone, stadium, kindergartens, households

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Tuesday morning, Russian invasion troops launched an airstrike on an industrial zone and a stadium in Kharkiv, also partially damaging a kindergarten and a number of residential buildings.

That’s according to Dmytro Chubenko, the spokesman for the Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor's Office, Ukrinform reports.

"On June 25, at around 10:00, the Russians launched at least three strikes on the Kyivskyi district. The strikes involved aerial munitions that the warplanes released from over Russia’s Belgorod region. The impacts affected the industrial zone and the stadium. As a result of the explosions, the facades of the kindergarten and the sports complex were partially damaged, windows were shattered," Chubenko said.

Video: Official Telegram channel of the Kharkiv Prosecutor's Office

In addition, the strikes left windows shattered in a number of residential buildings. There are no casualties so far.

Read also: Yermak, Sullivan discuss shelling of Kharkiv, NATO summit

According to tentative reports from law enforcement, the Russian army launched FAB-250 bombs with a homing module.

Criminal proceedings have been initiated under Art. 438 Part 1 (violation of laws and customs of war) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

As reported, at around 10:00 on June 25, explosions rang out in Kharkiv.