Lithuania to help Ukraine reform military education


Lithuania is ready to support Ukraine in reforming the country's military education system.

That's according to the Ukrainian Defense Ministry, Ukrinform reports.

This issue was discussed at a meeting of Ukraine's First Deputy Defense Minister, Lieutenant General Ivan Havrilyuk and Deputy Minister Natalia Kalmykova with Lithuania's high-level strategic advisor, retired Major General Vitalijus Vaiksnoras.

"We are interested in your vision of changes to improve the effectiveness of the officer training system and the training of military personnel," Havryliuk said.

He emphasized the importance of reforming military education and training based on the experience of combat operations. The training should correspond to the realities faced by military personnel on the battlefield, he added.

Kalmykova, in turn, spoke about implementing reforms to attract, develop, and retain human capital in the Ukrainian Defense Forces. She recalled the adoption of the law on certain issues of military service, mobilization, and military registration, which included the introduction of new systems of basic military training and basic military service.

Vaiksnoras noted that his country supports Ukraine on its path of reforms, in particular, to improve military education. He also shared Lithuania's experience in conducting an international independent audit and developing a reform plan.

Read also: Ukrainian president, Lithuanian parliament speaker discuss Ukraine's defense capabilities

The parties discussed practical aspects of cooperation, including an audit and recommendations on the military education system, training, personnel system, and motivation of military personnel. They also agreed to strengthen cooperation and further joint programs in the field of military education, training, and personnel management.

In June, Lithuania's State Defense Council decided to allocate at least 0.25% of the country's GDP for defense and security support for Ukraine.

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