Average salary in Ukraine in September exceeds $300 - statistics
The average salary in Ukraine in September 2018 amounted to UAH 9,042 (about $320), which exceeds the minimum salary by 2.4 times and is 12.9% higher than the average salary recorded in September 2017, the information and communications department of the secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has reported, with reference to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine.
"Salaries higher than average were received at the enterprises of the industry, especially in the pharmaceuticals industry (UAH 16,400), oil refining (UAH 11,400) and metallurgy (UAH 11,200), transport, and IT sector. The average salary in education is almost twice as high as the minimum salary and amounted to UAH 7,176, in medicine - UAH 5,730," reads the statement.
According to the forecasts of the Cabinet of Ministers, the average salary, as one of the benchmarks of Ukraine's economic development, should reach UAH 10,000.
In the draft state budget for 2019 the government sets the minimum salary at a level of UAH 4,170.