Ukraine, Iran, Afghanistan on agenda of NATO Parliamentary Assembly in London

The pace of developments in and around Ukraine, as well as the situation in Iran and Afghanistan, is among the main issues on the agenda of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly’s Annual Session, which began in London on Friday.

This was said in a statement on the official website of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly.

"The parliamentarians are set to adopt a series of draft reports and resolutions on key security issues ranging from developments in Ukraine five years after the pro-European Maidan demonstration, to border controls, sanctions policy, terrorism in Africa, and climate change. Over four days of debate hosted in Westminster, the parliamentarians will examine ways to respond to Russia’s decision to abandon the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty - a pillar of European security - and how to move forward with arms control in the post-INF era," reads the report.

A session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, which will be held on October 13, will be devoted to the situation in Ukraine.

"The state of peace moves in Ukraine amid continued ceasefire violations by Russia and its proxies will come under the microscope, as the lawmakers debate ways to crank up pressure on Moscow to halt its aggression, while leaving the door open for dialogue. Relations with Ukraine’s new leadership will also be assessed," the statement notes.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, British government ministers, top military officers, and a host of experts are expected to join hundreds of delegates for the October 11-14 meeting in London to reaffirm NATO's core values as the world’s most powerful defence alliance celebrates 70 years since its founding.

“As NATO marks its 70th anniversary, this session will be a key moment to celebrate the work of this vitally important institution, the bedrock of our security,” NATO PA President Madeleine Moon said.
