Explaining complex things in simple words: Strikes targeting Kerch Strait area, Russia’s failure to deliver on obligations, unconstructive statements by Georgian officials

The Center for Strategic Communication and Information Security pursues efforts to provide a brief explanation to foreign audiences on the current topics of particular interest as regards Ukraine.


  • On May 30-31, the Defence Forces of Ukraine carried out successful attacks on enemy targets on the Crimean and Caucasian coasts of the Kerch Strait.
  • The Kerch ferry crossing and the Kavkaz port, which are actively used by the enemy to ensure the grouping of troops in the temporarily occupied Crimea, were damaged.
  • Ukrainian missiles and naval drones caused damages to Russian vessels: ferries, troop-carrying boats, and a pilot boat. One of the ferries ran aground, blocking the operation of the entire Kerch crossing.
  • Russia’s ‘’modern’’ anti-aircraft systems ‘’Pantsir’’, ‘’Tor’’, ‘’Triumph’’, as well as combat aircraft and sea barriers, did not help Russian invaders. The defence forces broke through one of the densest defences of the enemy.
  • The military logistics of the invaders in Crimea were significantly undermined due to the successful combat work of the Ukrainian Defence Forces.
  • We remind you that the Kerch bridge is an illegal and temporary structure that is subject to dismantling. In addition, this object is a legitimate military target.


  • 27 years ago (31.05.1997), Russia signed the Treaty on Friendship, Cooperation, and Partnership with Ukraine, in which it recognized the territorial integrity of our state and renounced the use or threat of use of force.
  • The Russian Federation officials are once again voicing messages about readiness for negotiations and achieving peace, but there is still no reason to trust this rhetoric.
  • In 2014, with its invasion, Russia violated 407 bilateral agreements with Ukraine and 80 international acts. In 2022, Moscow violated the Minsk agreements. Currently, Putin continues to destroy the world order based on international law.
  • All these years, agreements were signed and broken by the same people. Russia is ruled by pathological liars whose words are worthless.
  • All that the Kremlin really wants to achieve is to stop or slow down Western military aid in order to facilitate its task of destroying Ukraine.
  • The true peace is impossible without justice and guarantees of security for Ukraine, not in words, but with a real mechanism to repel aggression.


  • The Prime Minister of Georgia, Irakli Kobakhidze, once again made false and unfriendly statements against Ukraine.
  • For Ukraine, the statements of the head of the Georgian Government regarding our state, the Revolution of Dignity, heroism, and the struggle of the Ukrainian people for freedom and independence are unacceptable and outrageous.
  • Prime Minister Kobakhidze's attempts to justify the crisis of his government by insulting Ukraine are irresponsible, firstly, in relation to the Georgian people.
  • Cause of Russian aggression, Ukraine is going through difficult trials, but at the same time, the Ukrainian government is in agreement with its people. This is what should be followed by the Georgian authorities. Ukraine is not to blame for the war and the occupation of its territories, Russia is an aggressor. The same Russia also occupied 20% of the territory of Georgia.
  • Ukraine will continue to support the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia and the aspirations of the Georgian people for peace, freedom, strengthening of their statehood and ties with other free countries of the world.

Center for Strategic Communication and Information Security