Ukraine’s President, German Bundesrat chief talk additional air defense systems

President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine during a meeting with the head of the German Bundesrat, Manuela Schwesig, noted Germany's initiative to provide Ukraine with air defense capabilities, and emphasized that additional systems need to be delivered as soon as possible.

That’s according to the President’s press service, Ukrinform reports.

At a meeting with the head of the Bundesrat of the Federal Republic of Germany, Prime Minister of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, who is visiting Ukraine for the first time, Volodymyr Zelensky thanked Germany for supporting Ukraine, providing aid packages, and welcoming displaced Ukrainians.

He also noted the approval by the EU member states of the negotiating framework for Ukraine's accession to the EU.

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The president briefed the Bundesrat chief on the latest battlefield developments and Ukraine’s priority needs against the backdrop of increased Russian airstrikes.

The parties discussed the specific results of the Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC 2024) in Berlin, where a number of international alliances were launched that will contribute to the nation’s reconstruction.

"Many documents, many contracts have been concluded both at the level of states and that of communities in Ukraine and Germany. An important dialogue between business CEOs was also in place," the president noted.

Zelensky and Schwesig also discussed the results of the joint patronage of the President of Ukraine and the Federal President of Germany over Ukrainian and German cities and communities.

Read also: German Bundesrat chief in Kyiv: Ukraine must prevail in war

The parties noted the strengthening of cooperation between the land of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Chernihiv region.

As reported by Ukrinform, Schwesig arrived in Kyiv on the morning of June 24.

Photo: President’s Office