Polish protesters block truck traffic at Medyka – Shehyni border checkpoint
Ukrinform reports that according to the State Customs Service of Ukraine, the Polish side started the blockage on November 23, with citizens continuously walking across the pedestrian crossing in front of the Medyka – Shehyni checkpoint from the Polish side.
Preliminary reports stated the following restrictions for truck traffic: only one truck will be allowed to enter Ukraine per hour, and the exit of trucks over 3.5 tons from Ukraine will be fully blocked.
There are no plans to restrict bus or passenger car traffic in either direction.
The blockage is expected to last until the end of the year, and further updates will be provided by the Customs Service.
Protests by farmers are happening for two reasons, neither of which directly concerns Ukraine. The farmers have grievances with the government over unfulfilled promises, such as additional payments for their crops and the postponement of tax increases for farmers in the coming year. The second demand involves protesting against plans for a trade agreement between the EU and South America.
The police are present at the protest site.
As reported by Ukrinform, earlier it became known that Polish farmers were preparing to block truck traffic at the Medyka – Shehyni border checkpoint starting from November 23.